38283 Hwy 24
Lake George, Colorado
(719) 748-1089
Tumbling Trout
(a fly shop)
Certified Professional
Fishing Guides of
South Park, Colorado
"A weird little fly shop nestled half-way between the Dream Stream and Reality."

10% discounts for Veterans, Fire Fighters, Police, public school teachers, students, Project Healing Waters and probable pathetic souls with circumstancial issues..
Tues - Sat 7 TO 3
(closed Sunday, Monday)
We'll take you fly fishing in beautiful South Park - a high alpine basin.
Tumbling Trout is a local, woman-owned and operated guide service and fly shop in Lake George at the entrance to Eleven Mile Canyon.
We have over 600 different fly patterns, a Pike hunting selection, and the best variety of streamers. We feature custom tied flies specific to this region, (Folk Patterns) designed by local experts like Cole Gray, Debbie Shipman, Landon Mayer, Juan Ramirez, Rick Takahashi, Mary Manka, and Phil Iwane. The bulk of our flies are Umpqua. We tie requested patterns here in the shop.
We guide all of the South Platte River and its headwaters in the South Park basin, including the Tarryall River and 6 reservoirs - look:
Abell River Ranch (private access S. Platte);
Puma Hills River Ranch (private access Tarryall);
Dream Stream GOLD MEDAL (Charlie Myers);
The Middle Fork GOLD MEDAL and South Forks of the S. Platte - specifically, Tomahawk; Badger Basin; Spinney Mountain SWA's and the Hartsel Springs area;
Knight Imler and 63 Ranch SWAs above Antero;
Fairplay area including Alma;
Tarryall River, including some private access;
High Alpine Creeks and ponds, Jefferson Creek and lake and beaver ponds up in the high country
6 reservoirs: Antero, Spinney GOLD MEDAL, Eleven Mile, Tarryall , Jefferson Lake and Fairplay Beach.
Our fishing methods include:
wade fishing along the bank (dry fly, nymphing, and streamer fishing);
float fishing in motorized boats or inflatable boats;
Tenkara (Japanese)
38283 Hwy 24, Lake George, Colorado.
PHONE: (719) 748-1089
My books are available in my shop or online through Barnes & Noble.
"Subaru-able Brookie Venues in South Park - EASILY DRIVE, PARK & FLY FISH THE HIGH COUNTRY", Michele White
"Lesser Known Fly Fishing Venues in South Park, Colorado: Every Public Access in South Park Basin outside of the Dream Stream and Eleven Mile Canyon”, Michele White
“Joe Schmo Can Catch a Big Fish: Insights from a 61 year old River Woman”, Miche;e White

Just wanted to thank you for the outstanding info in your trout fishing books. Our rental cabin had copies of your books: “ Lesser Known Fly Fishing Venues in South Park, Colorado” and “ Subaru-able Brookie Venues in South Park, Colorado.”
Your books provided exactly what I was looking for: off the beaten path fishing options away from the crowded high profile fishing spots. Excellent, detailed information! I caught 70+ trout in four days and had a blast! A good mix of Brown, Rainbow, Brookies and even one Cutthroat. I had the fishing spots mostly to myself unless you count mule deer coming to the river for a drink. We even saw our first moose in one of your recommended spots when I was looking for Brookies. Actually, we saw six moose in one day!
Your excellent books made the trip perfect for me! Can’t thank you enough.
We’ll certainly be back!
Octavio Perez
Want to fish here? Call us:
(719) 748-1089

Cute people come here....

I'm Michele White, owner Tumbling Trout Fly Shop. I live up here in the South Park region, which is a high alpine basin in the geographic center of Colorado, through which, the South Platte wanders in oxbows and through reservoirs.
I'm a Certified, Licensed, Insured and Bonded Professional Fly Fishing Guide. I've been fly fishing and rowing a dory for 20+ years.
I'm VP of Education for Pikes Peak Chapter of Trout Unlimited, I volunteer on many regional river conservation events.
I'm also a geologist and writer. I've been writing articles about the outdoors since 2001. Most of my writing has been published in Mountain Gazette, though I have a few books in my store as well.
About Michele: Colorado Trout Unlimited
“Michele White's vast experience in the high country, her skill with the fly rod, and her enthusiasm for the sport of fly fishing leaves me with only one choice for my river guide. I'll cast a line with this gal any day of the week..”
Rob Kelly-Goss

“She'll make your day an adventure and even the fish will happily jump on your line.”
Jill Thompson
"I have been fly fishing for over 20 years and have been fishing with Michele for
roughly half that. She is one of the most knowledgable and caring people I know.
Most of all she's a great angler and I would highly recommend her as a fly
fishing guide."
 Jake Brown (Cotana Fly Fishing)
Hey - look what this Youth of America caught on the Dream Stream with our guide, George Mingus -

Cooper Stueven with his first wild trout caught and landed by himself using an 8’6” #4 Echo rod on the Tarryall River. Congratulations for a great job!!!

Local guide and artist, Cameron "Backwoods" Barrie, caught this bodacious trout ("Mr. Brown") at Dream Stream on a BH pheasant tail. Congratulations on landing Mr. Brown, Cameron. Come see her art in our shop.
Look what the Easter Bunny brought to Bobby - Photographed by cousin Christian - on the Dream Stream (2016). I'd like to emphasize how wonderful the fishing is YEAR 'ROUND in South Park. I'm not kidding.

This rainbow took a shot glass baetis. At first Bobby thought he was snagged. Hats off to him for landing and handling this amazing Rainbow so well.
Look who's ice fishing all like a denizen of the Arctic!