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Guilty of Fishing

I like being able to get in my car and drive to a creek or river or lake to fish. I always feel guilty about having such accessible resources so close by, especially when I know so many people pine for such an afternoon in the outdoors. I feel guilty. But I don’t want anyone to come with me. I want to be alone. My guilt is only abated if I bring my dogs, which, as you can imagine is not ideal for fishing. There are a few places that it’s OK to bring the dog(s) – 3 of them at the least and these days, 4 dogs because our house mate has a new puppy and he is at work and I can’t leave the baby at home alone.

The ideal dog fishing spot is one where they are away from the road, and there is some kind of retaining natural barrier to keep them in my vicinity, such as a really tall rise in the landscape or cliff to keep them nearby. Happy Meadows on the South Platte below Lake George is such a place once I cross the river. If the spot is just open barren ground, like above Hartsel on the Middle Fork of the South Platte River, the dogs will get bored and start to play in the water. If there are grass and bushes and trees and rocks, they will entertain themselves with hunting for rabbits, mice, - dog stuff – digging holes, etc.

I’ve tried to teach my dogs that they are allowed to get in the water down stream of me but now that rule has changed, as I am fishing downstream and upstream of me more these days, especially if I’m using my Tenkara rod. The dogs know a good hole, too. They know exactly where I will want to go because of the structure and pool and that means they want to get there first so they can say, “See? I found a good place for you!”. It’s infuriating to work my way up or downstream to a hole and find that they are already in the water.

That’s why it’s so special when I am completely alone. But I have my guilt, so I stop at my house on my way home and pick them up – all of them. If it is grouse season (fall) I can take them on a hunting hike through the woods first and get them pretty tired, get all the zoomies out of them before I go to the creek. These Cast n Blast afternoons are the best. Then, I feel guilty that my huzbun is at work, working hard at a hard job. And he does this for me. So, I don’t want him to really know that I am out hiking and fishing and in the wilderness every day after work. I certainly don’t want to talk about it. I always leave in time to get home before him, clean up the house, maybe vacuum or do laundry or empty the dishwasher and I always make dinner. He doesn’t bet home until after dark anyway, so this system works out (for me).—GUILT!--


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